Specialized Services

Allie at Peaks and Valleys specifically specialised in helping individuals struggling with ADHD Management/late diagnosis, and Trauma. $150+hst per session.

Therapy for ADHD Management

Are you a teen or adult living with ADHD, late diagnosis of ADHD or suspected ADHD? ADHD presents very differently across genders and ages. ADHD can have serious consequences including academic issues, interpersonal distress, depression, anxiety, relationship problems, substance abuse and job distress. While early diagnosis and treatment are ideal, ADHD is often misdiagnosed or undiagnosed until later in life, particularly in women. Don’t fret! Successful ADHD management is still possible later in life and therapy is a powerful tool.

Therapy can help individuals with ADHD hone their executive functioning skills for better workplace or academic success, improve relationships by building awareness around communication and emotional regulation, and build a greater self-awareness around how their ADHD type and presentation can impact their day-to-day living.

Not sure if we are a fit? Book a free consultation today.

Therapy for Trauma

Whether trauma is a one time incident or a chronic, ongoing situation, the impacts can last a lifetime. Trauma directly impacts the developing brain and can have lifelong physical, mental and social consequences. Living with unprocessed trauma can impact our stress levels, patience, sleep, relationships, emotional regulation, self-esteem and parenting. It also may manifest itself in physical ailments such as headaches, GI issues, acute pain, mobility issues, etc.

I provide a safe space for individuals to process acute and complex traumas. Through a careful, client-centred process, and with the support of the therapist, you can process your trauma in a safe and supported environment. In doing so you will be able to gain a greater sense of self, build upon your strengths, adjust associated negative behaviours and thinking patterns and gain a sense of control over your past to help you heal, grow and thrive. Allie has an additional qualification in Brainspotting-Phase One which is a targeted treatment approach for trauma.

Book a free consultation today.